
Tuesday 1 November 2011

Counting down the days...

Well, just a few more days left until the big day - my first jewellery show. I'm still manically busy but in some ways that's good because I'm so busy finishing stock that I don't really have time to worry about the event itself.

I'm very conscious that just about everything else in my life is being ignored at the moment including this blog. So to rectify that and to force myself to take a break I took a few quick pictures and thought I'd give you a sneak peek at some of the rronze pieces I'm taking to the show. Most of the stock still needs to be assembled and that will be my lot for the next couple of days, but this gives you just a little taster...

Necklace and pendant with Carnelian and Pyrite

Various earrings

More pendant components

There is still a mountain of bronze components on my work table, a batch in the kiln and another waiting to go in but that's it. Once it's all finished, cleaned and assembled I'm done - well apart from pricing it and setting up the display that is! I've always been last minute kind of person - I guess I thrive on the pressure but, even I have to admit I've cut it very fine this time.

I'm really looking forward to the show and also, to a really, really, really long lie in on Sunday. After that normal service will be resumed and I'll be back to catch up on recent events.

Oh, and if you happen to be in the Rowlands Castle/Portsmouth area on Saturday, why don't you pop into the Contrasts Jewellery Fair and say hello.

By for now.



  1. Lovely work! Enjoy the show ;)

  2. Wow Lesley, those are gorgeous! Best wishes on your show.

  3. Lesley, your pieces are just gorgeous! Best of luck at the show!

  4. They are all stunning....good luck with the show.

  5. Gorgeous!!!!! Love your hearts! Good luck on your show!

  6. I must have missed that you were doing the clay!
    You are so talented. I love the clay. My favorite are the carnellian earrings and the hearts.
    Cilla, Best of Luck with the Show
    P.S. top advice 1. dont forget to bring change!
    (get it ready before the show), 2. bring your own food ( you will get weak and need food!),Have Fun!

  7. Thank you all for you kind words and encouragement - very muxh appreciated!


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