
Monday 23 January 2012

Magic Number Giveaway...

What a great start to the week... I woke up this morning to find I'd made my 100th sale in my Etsy shop, the target I set myself for my first year achieved in ten months. The fact that the door fell off my washing machine five minutes later did stop me in my tracks for a few minutes (there goes the bead budget for a while) but hey, I'm still dancing!

As I like to share a bit of happiness when I can and as this is an achievement worth celebrating I'm going to have a little giveaway. I'm not going to show you what the prize is yet because I don't know myself. What I plan to do is dig deep into the bead stash I shared in my last post and put together a little bag of gorgeous goodies for the lucky winner. If you don't make jewellery or collect beads don't worry - there will be an equally lovely alternative available.
Does that sound good?

Will any of these make the cut...?
So, all you need to do to take part in the giveaway is leave a comment here telling me about a goal you're hoping to achieve this  year. It doesn't have to be anything huge - just something that's going to give you a nice warm feeling inside and a sense of achievement.

If you can share the giveaway on Facebook, twitter or your own blog, you'll get an extra chance to win for each. Following me here or on my facebook page will also get you extra entries. Don't forget to leave separate comments for each one so I know how many times to enter you.

On Sunday 29th I will draw a winner and show everyone just what's in that goodie bag so I'll see you back here then.

Good Luck!



  1. Congratulations on the big's just going to get better and better! Love looking at your designs...such a great talent! Excited to be part of your giveaway ~ Sharing with my peeps ~

  2. My goal this year would be to sell at least two times each month online from my Etsy store. Some how I need to figure out how to get more traffic to see my items. Facebook has helped me last year but I need to find something for this year. I did advertise a bit but ended up giving away more in prizes then I sold. You are doing some thing right! Congratulations on 100~!
    Now to blog about your giveaway!

  3. I just blogged about your contest here

  4. I liked you an Facebook too!

  5. The way life has become in my country, Greece, my first goal is to try to survive here (or elsewhere...) and to try to make life a bit better for the ones I love. I hope I managed to do so this holiday season, making all sorts of gifts, like handmade jewellery, bookmarks, cufflinks, cards...
    This gift would be precious for me, it'd give me the chance to create even more. It makes people around me happy and it makes me feel so much better, too. I love your work, it's gorgeous, inspiring and the bright palettes put a smile to my face...


  6. I follow you via GFC as deb_oro


  7. I also follow you on Facebook, as Despina Vnt


  8. Congratulations on reaching 100 sales!! I have a few goals set out for this year: spend less on jewelry supplies (I went way crazy last year!), sell more jewelry (need to be more pro-active), keep up with my FB business page (just opened recently), & make jewelry on a more regular basis. Thanks for the chance to win!!

  9. And shared your lovely giveaway and blog on Facebook, as Despina Vnt


  10. My goal would be to not let one holiday/birthday without making presents for everybody, no matter how hard times are.
    The smile of giving sth handmade is precious!!
    I had heard hopw people appreciate sth handmade more than bought gifts and I didn't fully believe it till I saw it myself.
    Wish you the best, congrats and keep up the beautiful work!!


  11. I follow you on FB as Gloria Grahame


  12. I also shared your giveaway on FB as Gloria Grahame


  13. And I follow on Networked blogs as Gloria Grahame


  14. I also follow your blog via Networked blogs, as Despina Vnt


  15. A Goal? To finally organize my new bead area, so I am not just moving piles around.

    Congrats on 100 Sells!

  16. My goal for this year is to get all the fab designs my girlfriend and I created, out to the public!
    Good job and Congratulations on getting to the 100th sale! Sharing on Facebook and Tweeting!!/MarlasMud

  17. Wonderful news!! This year I have a goal to finally try to submit something to Belle Armoire Jewelry.

  18. Congratulations on your 100th sale - how exciting. My goal this year is to be in a number of jewelry shows in my area and to get a web site up and running.

  19. I am a new follower - thanks to Melinda Orr.

  20. Congratulations on Sale #100! My goal this year is to actually put some items in that Etsy shop I've reserved the name for...That, and figuring out where the 25th and 26th hour in each day will come from so that I can do it!

  21. Congratulations! My goal is to sell more. Sounds simple I know, but I need to make more of an effort to push me out there. :)

  22. Yea you, 100 sales is awesome - esp. in the first year! My goal this year is to move my studio to a new room and to paint that room first!

    Thanks for doing a giveaway!

  23. Shared on my FB page!

  24. Congratulations to the 100th Sale.
    I hope this year to start also at etsy and to sell some pieces. Also, I hope it goes better with health.


  25. Congrats on your sales and thanks for offering such a lovely giveaway, my main goal for this year is getting myself organized sounds simple but may take a miracle!

  26. Lovely idea! I've got more than one goal this year, loosing weight, as always, getting fit and healthy together with my DH and getting back in the sadle with my beadmaking and trying to sell more... Maybe even through an Etsy shop or just through my website by adding a webshop... Trying to find the courage ;-)

  27. I've also liked you on facebook, you use beads of some people I admire, very cool!

  28. And of course I'm following your blog now :) Just read it over again, and saw that also adds to the chances. I already pushed follow, just because I like to read you blog ;)

  29. I just found your blog... love your work! :)

    I want to do more art fairs this year. I found my jewelry sells much better in person. I also have always wanted to take a ceramics class and I'm hoping to make that happen this year!

    Aside from that, I just want to continue working on being healthy, losing weight, and getting out and seeing the world. :)

  30. My goal is to buy less, sell more, and get published at least once for 2012

  31. this year, I want to take a lamp working class, and I am becoming a foster grandma, I'll be helping out in the head start program....being a foster grandma, doing arts and crafts and story time with the children.....It will get me out of the house and should be lots of fun too! Congratulations on your 100th sale!

  32. Congratulations lesley! I cant even contemplate 100 sales, WOW. My goal for this year (in fact, this next month) is to get a photography set up inside the house so that i don't have to rely on the outside light, which is distinctly lacking during many months of the year! I would feel much happier if I could snap and go whenever I had the time.

  33. What stunning beads!! I actually do have some beady goals this year. There are three techniques I want to try. Bead crochet, kumihimo, and bead embroidery. Thanks for such a great giveaway!

  34. Congratulations on your 100th sale! Thank you for the giveaway! My goals this year are to increase the designs of clasps and findings in my etsy shop and to find three more galleries for my jewellery. Oh, and to go to bed early once a week so that I have the energy for everything!

  35. I've blogged about your giveaway too - and I see that it's 102 sales now - brilliant!

  36. First of all: CONGRATS on achieving one of your goals!
    Second: thanks to Melinda Orr for sharing or I would have missed this fabulous opportunity.

    My goals for this year are changing the place I live. Be it abroad or in a bigger place... Improve my business skills (both jewellery and translations) and keep on learning!

    Thanks a lot!


  37. Lesley,
    Congratulations on making 100 sales and now more! My goal for 2012 is to finish what I start in a timely manner and to learn new techniques to add to my jewelry making experience.

  38. Congrats on you 100th!
    My big goal this year is to actually make some pieces to sell. I decided to start small with some earring and some pendants. I've got to start paying for this hobby and not just work from commissioned pieces (because they always seem to have deadlines and come at the worst time for me).

  39. Wow, awesome :) Congrats on both the 100 AND on early achievement ;)!

    I shall take care of one of my goals tomorrow with a visit to the bank to discuss some financial choices I should have done ages ago :) Despite everything else on my 'want to get done' list, I think the one that will give me the biggest sigh of satisfaction ( and reason to party ) will be finally making myself fill out and file my divorce papers. I kicked his sorry butt out just over six years ago now and have had the papers for ages... but I HATE paperwork with a passion and can't seem to make myself haul them out and do them >.< He's 3000 miles away, can't that be good enough? lol

  40. oh and I already follow you :D Here and on facebook :)

  41. Congratulations! My goal for this year is to move to working part-time so I have more time for my business :)

  42. Congrats on the 100th sale. I'm working on losing weight right now. But I also have the goal of learning how to work with Metal clay to add to my Glass Kreationz and jewelry. I love your bead stash/goodies in the pic.

  43. Just tweeted about your landmark sale and giveaway.

  44. Just started following your blog.

  45. Just 'liked' your facebook page. KayzKreationz

  46. My first visit to your blog and I'll be back! Very interesting stuff going on here! One of my continuing goals is to simplify in all aspects of my life, especially the bead storage!

  47. Congrats on your sales!! Thanks so much for sharing the happiness with your giveaway. My goal this year is to not sweat the small stuff :)

  48. Congratulations!!!

    I goal is to finish half done projects okay at least some of my unfinished projects...

  49. My goal is to organize my studio area this year!

  50. I would like to list on etsy more often. I am on my iPad so sorry if I left more than 1 comment.
    Shannon c


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