
Tuesday 22 May 2012

All work and no play...

Is not a sensible concept when the sun comes out and you have this on your doorstep...

Actually, it's about 7 miles from my doorstep but when you're born and bred in a town like I was that's nothing for the chance to get some sand between you toes. These pictures where taken today at Mudeford Spit which forms part of the boundary to Christchurch's natural harbour on the south coast of England.

The whole place is just beautiful with areas set aside as  nature reserves and SSSI's (sites of special scientific interest). To get to the spit I had to walk down this lovely sun dappled track...

Past the wildfowl reserves....

With a view across the harbour to Christchurch Priory.

The spit is dominated by pretty and colourful beach huts in a mix of ice cream shades and brighter tones - such an inspiring colour palette don't you think?

These huts face into the harbour whilst others look out over the sand dunes and the Solent towards the Isle of White...rather hazy but you can just see it.

I think beach huts like these must be a very British tradition, Victorian in origin I think - I don't recall seeing them anywhere else on my travels but I may be wrong. It must be said that Mudeford beach huts do stand out above the common or garden variety.

I'm really feeling the one below and think it would make me an ideal summer studio...beach outside the window, bar and restaurant a few flip-flopped feet away and all the facilities you need close by - perfect. I even did a little online research on the idea when I got back - sharp intake of breath. Beach huts here rent out at around £950/$1499 PER WEEK in high season, or you can just buy one for just £145,000/$228,000!!!

Oh well, maybe when I'm rich and famous...but I can still pop along for a visit whenever the mood takes me so that'll do me for now.

Hope the sun is shining in your world.



  1. So very beautiful! My whole body and spirit could use this right now.

  2. How lucky that you are so close to these lovely sights! The little huts are gorgeous. Thanks so much for sharing a part of your world with us.

  3. The little huts are so sweet. I envy how civilized they seem. Here in the US people tear them down to build giant horrible "McMansions" that block everyone else's view.....

    Thanks for sharing the beauty of your world with us.....

  4. Beautiful! I haven't seen beach huts in person. Thank you for sharing! I would love to walk on that beach. Your right my earrings that I blogged about today would be perfectly at home on your beach!

  5. Oh, Lesley, these are just gorgeous! I so long to join you on a walk to see all of this! Someday maybe I'll finally save enough to come in your direction!!

  6. Thank you so much for this post - you should be in charge oftheir tourist department. After we talked this morning, I did some research and I think I'm in love with your little piece of heaven. Glad you had such a wonderful day.

  7. Thank you for posting these pictures. I was born in England and still hold my U.K fact most of my family still lives there (northern England). My husband and I have talked about moving close to St. Ives once the kids are grown and gone.

  8. So gorgeous! I've been to the UK several times but never to the beach (I was in Oban in Scotland) and so wish I could have gone! Maybe another time! Maybe when you're rich and famous and buy a beach hut I'll visit you!

  9. Just gorgeous! and the sun is out! perhaps a few of us as roommates could help on the cost :)

  10. Oh it's got to be every makers dream to have a sweet little hut by the sea to work in, I know it's mine, ah one day, one day

  11. I wish I had a view like this only 7 miles from my house! Did you happen to notice the name on the yellow beach hut is The Asylum? (Per an institution for the maintenance and care of the mentally ill, orphans, or other persons requiring specialized assistance. Hmmmm.... :)


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