
Saturday 23 June 2012

Back in the Soup Kitchen...

I missed the cut on Lori Anderson's last Bead Soup Blog Party so I was delighted when she made the decision not to limit numbers this time around but instead, to host three consecutive parties. All credit and huge thanks to Lori too for yet again taking on this colossal task and working it to the best fit for all. It takes a huge amount of effort with not a little heartache so three cheers for Lori.

So last night the e mail arrived from Lori telling me who I'd been paired with and boy was I happy to discover my partner was Jennifer Cameron. I knew straight away who Jennifer was - uber talented lampwork artist, designer of gorgeous (and just my personal style) jewellery and founding member of new team blog, Art Jewellery Elements

Lampwork beads where what got me into jewellery seriously and Jennifer creates fabulous organic, sometimes other worldly beads that open up all sorts of design possibilities. Just look at these beauties...

Jen Cameron Designs
 Jen's talents don't stop at glass though - she appears to be a bit of a dab hand with chain maille and metal work too...

Jen Cameron Designs
This necklace is so me! There's some pretty cool wire work in this gorgeous serpent bracelet too...

Jen Cameron Designs
Of course, it's also a little intimidating to be partnered with such a prodigious talent and I know I will spend hours pouring over beads trying to select the perfect ingredients for Jen - but that's half the fun. We've already exchanged introductory e mails and I'm looking forward to finding out more about what makes Jen tick to help me with my selections.

Jen and I will be participating in the first reveal on July 28th so make sure it's on your calendar and I've no doubt there will be some little teasers to whet your appetite before then so stay tuned.

Have a great weekend all.



  1. Ooh! Exciting. I am also swapping with a lampworker - Jacqueline of CreARTelier, from Switzerland. Jen's beads are amazing! It's so exciting to think what will turn up in the post, isn't it? I'm always a little intimidated when I get paired with a bead maker though as I can't make anything similar in return....

  2. You were certainly paired with a winner, as was Jennifer! I am sure that the two of you will create some of the most beautiful jewelry!!! Congratulations!

  3. Great article. Thank you very much for sharing on your blog.
    Kendall FL Air Conditioning

  4. Thank you so much for this wonderful write-up! I am so excited to be paired up with you I can't decide what to send. Too afraid it won't be good enough :-)


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