
Monday 30 July 2012

Shop update and a bit of a rest...

The last six months have been so busy what with my components shop taking off so quickly and keeping me busy along with all the other work on the jewellery side of things. I'm so pleased with the way things have gone and incredibly grateful to my customers and friends for all the support they've given me but I have made myself a promise to work a little less during August. I'll still be around but won't be doing any major updates to my components shop although it will remain open and orders will be dispatched as normal. Instead I'll be concentrating on some new jewellery designs and getting to grips with a few things around the house and garden.

But it's not August yet and I will be having a shop update tomorrow evening at around 7pm BST which will include all these pieces amongst others:

You can still contact me regarding special requests and there may be some small updates over the next month...I doubt I'll be able to resist the call of the clay completely!

I hope you are all enjoying a wonderful summer.



  1. Hi Lesley,
    Beautiful components! Enjoy your break.

  2. Good for you! A break is good and many times inspiring, at least for me! Enjoy!

  3. Your components are just lovely! Hope it's ok that I mentioned them in my blog :)

  4. Best stock up now then! ;-)


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