
Wednesday 15 August 2012

Brit Pack Beaders - First Challenge Reveal...

So here we are at last, the first ever reveal for a Brit Pack Beaders challenge. Apologies for this being a week late - some of the team found themselves with plates that were a little too full last week but everyone is ready now so lets's crack on.

Just to refresh you the aim of the challenge is to create a jewellery design(s) using this image as inspiration...

With these components as supplied by the various members of the team (each team member received different components)...

Considering I set the theme for this challenge I actually found it quite hard to come up with my design. To get the most out of the challenge I wanted to create one piece that would feature an element supplied by each of the contributing members. I spent a long time getting things to a certain point only to find something didn't fit and having to start again, I hate those days - so frustrating!

My components included quite a lot of rings, including the toggle clasp I'd allocated myself so I took that as a starting point and after a couple of false starts with bracelets, I decided a necklace was a better option. Eventually I did come up with something I was happy with... 

Because the toggle was heavier in appearance than the other rings I decided to combine it with the focal bead Rebecca sent me to get a better balance along with some chain tassles for a little added flourish.

I've hung these from sections of heavy Vintaj chain interspersed with Claire's cotton (hand!) wrapped and silver rings, together with one of my own bronze rings. I made pretty little dangles from Bo's accent beads and added these to the lower sections of the chain together with a bronze shell charm.

The rest of the chain is woven with the rust and aqua silk strings that Jo sent me.

So I did manage to get something from everyone in there - it's quite busy for me but hopefully not too much so and I think it has a certain charm. I didn't have to much left to work with after that and although I really wanted to use the wire mesh that Claire had sent me, sadly I spent so long playing with it to try and work out what to do that by the time I'd finished it was unusable - sorry Claire! But at least now I'll know what to do with it next time! I did however make a couple of pairs of earrings using some additional beads from my own stash.

The organic silver slice beads from Claire I've teamed up with some Greek ceramic discs and some gorgeous rustic beads from Marsha Neal, wrapped with bronze to maintain the mixed metal effect.

I really like the effect of the silver and bronze together in these pieces so for these earrings I've mixed Claire's hammered silver discs with a pair of my own bronze rings and added a couple of gorgeous fat rustic pearls which also happen to come from Claire's shop.

There you have my interpretation of Carolyn's lovely photograph then and I'd like to say a big thank you to the rest of the team for taking part and for sending me such great things to work with. I have no idea what they've come up for their own designs so I hope you'll join me and visit their blogs (links below) and facebook pages to find out. And don't forget, this is a bi-monthly challenge so the next one will be some time in October so lookout for that.

Jo Tinley - Daisy Chain Designs (not participating in the design element this time)

Thanks for visiting.



  1. I love it! I really like the way you used the toggle in the front with the focal & tassel. Looks like it has great movement. Very pretty.

  2. No need to worry about it being to busy. I think its just right! I love all the colors, textures and elements you put into this beautiful piece. And the earrings are darling too.

  3. Fun idea! Love the way you all are running this challenge. The necklace is gorgeous, the toggle in front with the repeating rings is fab. I adore the earrings

  4. Loving it all Lesley, I will be back to say more have to dash......

  5. I really like that necklace. I normally go for simpler designs but your necklace hits all the right notes with me.

  6. I love how you put the toggle in front with the focal bead - especially with the chain fringe! I also love how you weaved the silk with the chain in the back - very cool! I must also agree that the bronze and silver together make for a gorgeous combination! The earrings - both sets - are beautiful! Nice job!

  7. Gorgeous Lesley. Texture, movement, your own earthy colours (perfect with the colours from the picture), and of course, your beautiful bronze. I love all of it! Thanks so much for instigating the BPB. I am loving being a part of it!

  8. Wow Lesley! Beautiful necklace I love your design and all the bright colors with the metal elements really represents the inspiration photo. The earrings are gorgeous, I would totally wear them, cause you know I love your earring designs anyway. You did a bang up job on this first round of the Brit Pack challenges.

  9. Your necklace is fabulous! I love the pearl earrings too, beautiful work!
    Deb x

  10. I really like the pairing of toggle+focal, always one of my favourite looks... what sets it apart is the added fringe, very balanced. While they're all gorgeous, I would also point out the earrings featuring Marsha's ceramic discs : I have just started working with them and find them so versatile.

  11. Love your designs, and what a fantastic challenge! Looking forward to the next instalment :)

  12. Love all the juicy bits to look at.Great work as always!


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