
Saturday 15 September 2012

Beads of Clay Design Challenge

Welcome to the 'Beads of Clay' design challenge. As a Design Partner with the Beads of Clay Professional Artists Team I was delighted when I received the challenge to create some jewellery with this gorgeous collection of beads and exciting new fiber wire. Four of my team mates have the same beads and  I can't wait to see what everyone has done.

Initially  we were asked to make a pair of earrings and a necklace from the beads and wire but as I got into the process I decided I wasn't going to do them justice by trying to use them all together so, I bent the rules a little and made a bracelet too. The other thing that was going to be a challenge for me was of course the fiber wire. Regular readers will know I struggle with most types of fiber and for me the problem with working with something as new as this is that I tend to waste a heap of it trying to work out what to do! I didn't want to overwork it so once I settled on a design I had to commit to it.

While toying with the beads to try and get some inspiration two of the disc beads and one of the birds came together in a pleasing combination which became my starting point. I kept going back to the little ceramic charm with the number 3 on it to try and come up with some sort of relevance. A story from way back in my childhood came to mind. 'The Phoenix and the Carpet' by E Nesbit (one of the '5 children and it' series) tells of the adventures of a group of children after they find an egg in a carpet which hatches into a talking  Phoenix. The Phoenix explains that the carpet is a magical one and that it will grant them three wishes each day. So I had some relevance for 3, I didn't have a Phoenix but I did have a bird which is a flighted creature and I had fiber wire which is like (very lovely) carpet - well sort of. OK it's a tenuous link at best but it gave me some inspiration and that's why my first piece is called 'Magic Carpet'

With the pendant element in place I began to look for ways to incorporate the fiber wire and actually, once I got going it came fairly easily. I wrapped a large ring with the wire and then added some coordinating leather cord to provide a structure for wire to climb up. I've kept it fairy simple by twining the wire and interspersing it with the gorgeous round beads and finished it with a simple bead and loop closure. I'm quite please with this design, it's bright, colourful and fun but totally wearable, what do you think?

On to the earrings then...these were actually the first things I made the day I got my beads. I loved the turquoise tube beads and knew I wanted to have them centre stage so I teamed them with some purple rounds and a pair of my own bronze headpins. To pick up the colours of the beads I highlighted the pattern on the headpins with some Vintaj Ranger patina in the same colour as the tubes, finished them off with little leather ties that match the rounds and then hung them from hand forged bronze wires. This is the result...

So with two pieces down I still had a good handful of beads including a large focal that was crying our for some bracelet attention. Some simple stringing with colourful cotton cord and a wire toggle to convert the ceramic ring into a clasp and we're almost there. The addition of lots of ceramic, bronze and copper charms adds a final flourish which I think makes the bracelet, as well as helping to balance the heavier focal bead.

So there you have my offerings and I hope you think I've done the components justice. I had great fun making these pieces and would thoroughly recommend having a play with the fiber wire.

You can check out what the other design partners did with their components by visiting their blogs at the links below.

Shannon -

In my earlier post I mentioned that the items designed would be auctioned off for charity. This will not now happen but I will be listing these pieces in my Etsy shop on Monday and the proceeds from any sales of these items will go to Cancer Awareness. Please feel free to contact me if you are interested in anything.

Finally, many thanks to Marla James for organising the challenge and to the artists who very kindly donated such gorgeous beads:

Marla James
Karen Totten
Janel Goolsby
Julie McKee Rowe
Eleanor Thomas
Kristi Bowman-Gruel

Have a lovely wekend everyone.



  1. All beautiful but LOVE those earrings!

  2. These pieces are SO beautiful! And I really love what you did with the fiber wire. That necklace is just stunning.

  3. Yummy pieces Lesley! I love the bracelet, so pretty for fall.

  4. Fantastic as always! The bracelet is my favourite!

  5. That's such a great 'twist' on the fiber wire. I've been really interested in how people would come up with new ways to use it. Very nice designs!

  6. I would love to purchase the earrings and the bracelet!!! Let me know....

  7. Thanks Carol that's very kind of you - I will get back to you :0)

  8. The colours are just beautiful and you have shown them off just perfectly. I especially love the necklace and the way you have shown of the fibre, its great!! :D

  9. All your pieces are so beautiful and colorful. I love the inspiration behind the necklace. The earrings are my favorite. Adding a touch of blue to the headpins was very clever! And the bracelet is fabulous!

  10. WOW you really did all the beads and that fiber wire proud! I love all the color!

  11. Absolutely beautiful work!! Thanks for sharing your inspiration process ;)

  12. Absolutely beautiful work!! Thanks for sharing your inspiration process ;)

  13. Gorgeous work Lesley, as usual! The bracelet, especially, is fantastic, but I love how you made the necklace!!! Wonderful job!

  14. Hi Lesley,
    All three of your pieces are beautiful. Congratulations on over coming your fear of the fiber. LOL The necklace is so bright and cheerful with the beautiful colored fiber wire; I love the design. I think I would have been stumped on the ceramic tubes, but you did a fantastic job with the earrings and the bracelet.

  15. I just love your style! Innovative and fresh, you captured my attention with that great fiber necklace, and I lost my heart to the earrings! Your bracelet reminds me of summertime fun. You really showed off the beauty of all the beads!

  16. WOW! I love how you used the fiber wire, turned out really great and inspires me to experiment more with it. I really love what you did for the bracelet too. All your pieces turned out beautiful...glad I'm not the only one who 'cheated' on number of pieces made too...LOL!

  17. I think they are all fantastic Lesley, but have to say that I just love the necklace. The way you used the fibre wire is inspired. I would have struggled so much with it, but you have nailed it!! Wonderful pieces!

  18. I agree with Pips... I wouldn't have a clue where to start with the fibre wire, but you've done a beautiful job! They're all gorgeous, but the necklace is definitely my favourite :)

  19. Great job! I love everything, especially the earrings.

  20. Some long ago movie or TV show had a surfer, maybe, Sean Penn, who used to say Totally Tubular! when something was awesome. That's the first thing that popped into my head when I saw those tubes on the earrings. I really like that necklace too. When I first read "fiber wire" my thought was "what the heck would you do with that?" but you did a really creative piece and I like it a lot. the bracelet is great but those other two pieces are outstanding.

  21. I just love the necklace! I have wondered just how to use the fabric wire and you have given me ideas.


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