
Wednesday 12 December 2012

Bead Giveaway Blog Hop ...

Hello and welcome to the 'Kaz Baildon Bead Giveaway Blog Hop'. Way back in October a group of designers where randomly selected receive a free bead or beads from a huge stash very kindly gifted to me by the super talented glass artist Kaz Baildon. Since then the recipients have been working on designs for jewellery, accessories or ornaments using those beads and today's the day they reveal what they've made. I don't know which beads went where so I'm really looking forward to seeing the results.

This is the bead I kept to use for myself and yes, I forgot to photograph it before I made my piece! I thought the tartan like design was rather fun and the shape was something different to work with. Unfortunately things didn't quite go to plan for me...

As always I left everything until this last week having decided that being a last minute Mary is part of my genetic make up and there's no point trying to change now. But since late last week I've been somewhat under the weather and for the last few days have been confined to bed dosing myself on antibiotics and painkillers. So when I did get around to starting on my design on Monday I had to limit myself to simple ideas and tools that I could use from bed - no sharp objects or heat involved here then.

Anyway, all that aside I had already decided I wanted to make something fun and as the focal is quite detailed I thought a simple treatment was suitable. I also happen to have a rather large jar of odds and ends of lampwork spacers so I had a good sort through those and came up with some in co-ordinating colours. I've got a bit of a thing for stringing and knotting with cotton and linen at the moment - I think it's because after working with metals so much when making my components it makes a change to use something different in my jewellery designs. I used a Double strand of waxed linen and strung the spacers so that the 'ring' side was featured rather than the edge of the bead. Kaz's focal was strung onto the linen as a pendant and I left tails beneath it which I finished with little Czech glass beads and the necklace is finished with a simple brass lobster clasp. As I've said - quite simple but I hope you like it none-the-less.

Now, I don't usually make holiday themed jewellery but when I was clearing up the beads there were a pair that had a definite seasonal feel to them so I thought I'd make a little extra item. I knew I had just the right beads to turn these 'cool' lampies into a pair of seasonal earrings which I thought would be a nice tribute to Kaz who I happen to know is besotted with earrings and has a huge collection of them. So here we have a pair of icy, alternative Christmas trees complete with red Czech glass 'tubs' and Hematite stars...cute huh?

Just before before you dash off to see what everyone else did with their beads, you might recall that in addition to the beads I gave away for this blog hop, I also promised a grab bag of beads for one lucky person from the original list of commentators. Well this is what's in that grab bag...

And I'm delighted to announce that this will shortly be winging it's way to...

Leigh Thow of JewellrLeigh

Congratulations Leigh, I hope you enjoy creating with your early Christmas present.

So let's get back to the bog hop then...I hope you'll join me and come and check out all the other participants designs using the links below - now that I can do from bed! Many thanks to Kaz for her very generous gift of the beads that made this event possible and of course, to everyone who has taken part in the hop - I hope you had fun designing with your surprise beads and who knows...maybe we can do it again next year...

Lesley Watt -
Cory Tompkins -
Rebecca Anderson -
Marie Cramp -   Marie is unwell and has had to withdraw
Claire Braunbarth -
Heidi Post - http://
Tiffany Smith -
Sharyl Macmillan-Nelson -
Ailsa Cordner -
Linda Landig -
Caroline Dewison -
Renetha -
Kari Asbury -
Niky Sayers -
Purple Cobwebs -
Cilla Watkins -
Therese Frank -
 Claire Ennis -
 Emma -
Kathy Lindemer - 
Alicia -
Sandy Huntress -
Lori Bowring Michaud -
Amy -
Katherine Gale -



  1. Really cute design love the spacers and how you used them on there side, hope your feeling better soon and thanks for hosting a great blog hop x

  2. Fantastic designs Lesley, I love the way the spacers are knotted together and those earrings are perfect! Hope you're feeling much better today and thanks for organising a fun challenge! x

  3. I Love the plaid bead. I've never seen one like that before. Your design is wonderful. I just started using waxed linen tread and I love the feel of it. It goes so well with your beads.

    Thank you for organizing this.

  4. What a gorgeous plaid pendant and you made it even MORE beautiful with this design! I REALLY love those earrings, too! I hope you are feeling better - though no time of year is "right" for falling ill, now is not the time at all! Rest up and get better pronto!

  5. Great design - I love the tartan bead and the earrings are really cute too!!

    Thanks for hosting the blog hop and I hope you are feeling better soon!!

  6. I love that necklace Lesley, sometimes the "simple" designs come out the best! You must have quite a jar of lampwork spacers since the colors you had matched your pendant perfectly. I also have the habit of waiting till the last minute...I like that you have embraced it though! I'll have to work on that. Thanks for a fun challenge and for paying it forward. I think you should do a yearly hop!

  7. Your plaid bead is absolutely gorgeous - and the design brings the best out of it. Those colourful doughnuts are simply charming! I love the Christmas trees too :)

    Now it's time for you to get well and enjoy the Holidays! I hope you'll feel better soon from all out best wishes and vibes.
    Thanks again for the opportunity, this was a most fun challenge and I cherish my art lampwork!

    Merry Christmas!

  8. I really like the idea of using linen because the lines in the plaid bead remind me of threads. The spacers match perfectly and being able to see the whole bead adds a whole new design element.
    Thank you for being so generous. This was a lot of fun. Get well soon so you can enjoy the holiday season.

  9. You've still got it even when you're poorly Lesley! I never find it easy to work with beads this shapy but this is the perfect design for this bead. Actually we must have been on the same wavelength with out little tassles! Hope you are feeling better today xx

  10. I love your necklace and how you used the disk beads. The earrings are sweet and fresh. Get better soon! I am behind myself here. Looking forward to what everyone else received and made.

  11. I'm sorry you were under the weather, but you still managed to come up with a very cute and colorful necklace! I love how you did the spacers. Very clever. And the little bell earrings are precious. I had fun participating. Can't wait to see what everyone else made!

  12. Great necklace!! I love all the color. The pendant is delightful!!

  13. thanks for such pretty beads and a fun hop!!! love what you made!

  14. Aww I love your necklace and the gorgeous tartan bead right up my street!! I came home from work to loads of messages saying Lucky Leigh!! Thank you so much Lesley what a lovely surprise and I can't wait to see the bead stash in person it looks amazing, you have made my day xx

  15. What an amazing necklace, you've done that pretty bead proud!
    Thank you so much for sending me beads to play with and for hosting the hop. My first blog hop and so much fun. I was a bit late posting up my make onto my blog, but I got there!!!!!

  16. So sorry you've have been ill but your design is fantastic! I love that it's simple, colorful and really shows off that wonderful bead. Feel better soon and thanks so much for offering us this challenge and hop :)

  17. Those earrings are so darling! I love that necklace too. The focal is really cool and you did a fab job showcasing it.

  18. Hi Lesley,
    Your bead is beautiful I love the plaid design. I also love your necklace all the little spacer beads go so well with the focal bead. I like how you turned the beads, so the center is showing it makes the necklace look like it is very comfortable to wear. Congratulation to Leigh for winning the set of beautiful lamp worked beads. Thank you for hosting this fun and beautiful challenge.
    Merry Christmas,

  19. Now, I would have sent that challenging bead to someone else, cause plaid has always been hard for me. I sooo love what you designed. Truly a stunning necklace.

  20. I have never seen a plaid bead before. It is really cool! Your design brings out all the colors and it just loks so playful and fun. Really delightful work. I hope you are feeling better asap!

  21. Lesley thank you fo rhosting this blog hop it was so much fun, I really love this necklace.

  22. We share those last minute genes for sure! (Entirely possible as my Dad is a born brit now Canadian)So sorry to here you are still poorly, hopefully it will pass soon. I saved your post for last and it was such a thrill to see who ended up with what, each prettier than the last. What a treat! I love the colourful necklace you created here.

  23. Lesley, what a festive necklace! And I love those adorable little earrings!

  24. Love that bead, and Leah is so lucky! Wish I'd known about the hop, I would have played!

  25. Great necklace, Lesley, and what a fantastic bead! What fantastic beads we ALL received! I apologize profusely. My new camera and new laptop are not cooperating--everything including the clothes washer went out last week! I do have a blog page I got up yesterday and was able to add a couple of photos tonight, but still not the finished necklace! It's to frustrating and I do apologize! I'm still trying, but want you to know that at least I can now show off my bead and the bead caps I made to go with it. I thank you for the opportunity to share in this fun event, and my thanks to the talented beadmaker too!

  26. I'm so late to the party, but finally managed to get photos posted from my camera to laptop! (Clearly a victim of new technology overload!) At first I just added to my original page, then decided the comments didn't make sense anymore! ha! So I made a completely new page that integrated the photos. Sorry for the step-by-step increments of progress, but I hope you'll stop by to see the "re-reveal!"

  27. I think, I hope, I've finally made it through all the entries! What marvelous creativity sprung from those beads! Thank you again so very much, Kaz and Lesley! You are two very generous souls and we've all benefited from your kindness!


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