
Tuesday 30 April 2013

AJE Component of the Month - April Reveal

Yet another month is drawing to a close and it's time for the AJE team and our guests to reveal what we've created with this months special component. Jennifer Cameron supplied us with some beautiful lampwork headpins this month and as usual, I forgot to take a picture of mine before I started working with them - doh! Fortunately Jen's picture shows my headpins...I received two of those on the left, a lovely soft blue with gorgeous encased murrini.

For me the most difficult thing about working with decorative headpins in that you only get one shot - mess it up and at best you have buckled wire to try and make a feature of and at worst the overworked wire snaps...been there, done that. I usually do a trial run with some scrap wire but I still hold my breath when I start on the real thing.

Initially I was trying not to plump for the obvious choice of earrings but my muse had other thoughts, planting a idea in my head while I was in the shower which I then couldn't shake off. These are what developed as a result.

The germ of the idea was some sort of wrapping around a ring but that seemed a little dull so I dug around for something extra and came up with a couple of my own domed bronze flowers. They were the right size for the headpins so I drilled and hammered some copper washers, bit the bullet and started wrapping...

I liked the play of the two metals against each other especially with the added depth when oxidised so I decided to go for a full medley of metals and made some sterling silver earwires. I really like the contrasts with the blue green and  I think these are a good showcase for Jen's headpins.

You can see what everyone else made with their components by clicking on the links below.

Guest Designers:

AJE Team:



  1. Love what you did with your headpins, really lovely earrings!

  2. Gorgeous. Those headpins really stand out with the colour combination.

  3. Ohmygosh!!! Those are gorgeous!! I adore mixed metals, and what an ingenious way to show off the lovely headpins. Hugely creative thinking, to me - I never would have thought of it, and I love them! Will you be selling these??

  4. So creative! Never thought to use headpins that way. They are wonderful!

  5. Very creative! Your skills are amazing.

  6. Gorgeous! I'm so glad you followed your muse and bit the bullet. Such a great way to use these beautiful headpins.

  7. Really beautiful and fun, nicely done Lesley!!

  8. Glad you listened to your muse and went with earrings. They are gorgeous.

  9. Love those! You bit the right bullet.

  10. Ooooo, everyone's creations are lovely, but yours are my favorites out of all. Happy creating!

  11. Very nice, Lesley. I love the mix of metals as well and your little bronze flower is perfect to show off the murrini!

  12. Isn't it funny, Miss Lesley, how all the little murrinis are ending up as flowers? I love your mix of metals and the simple and powerful styling. The textures, the colors, the shapes. These are kicky little earrings that just long for warmer days and bright skies! Thank you for sharing your talent with us! Enjoy the day. Erin

  13. Adore!! Really shows off the head pin.

  14. OOOHHHH! I LOOOOVE them!!!! Thanks for participating in the design challenge. You did awesome :-)

  15. I really love these earrings---so clever. The mix of metals is wonderful!

  16. You are totally right, those little bronze flowers of yours set off the headpins to perfection! So very cute!

  17. You and Jen make an incredible team. How stunning and dreamy those earrings are!

  18. What a stunning design! Amazing.

  19. Confession: I saw these pinned this morning to Pinterest and I LOVED them and didnt recognize the headpins! And I participated in the same challenge. I was then - and now - struck with the simple design, stunning effect. it is a lovely pair and still lets the headpin star in the show. Mixed metals for the win!

  20. I'm a total THEA Fan! I love your work - very inspiring. These earrings are amazing!

  21. I love these earrings! They are so pretty and cheery. I'd wear them all the time! Awesome!

  22. I love your earrings, Lesley, they are fantastic! Great idea combining your own bead caps, they go so well! Excellent idea!

  23. Hi! I love, love, love what you did with the challenge! :)

  24. Love these beautiful haedpins and what you done with. So gorgeous!

  25. Lesley those are awesome earrings.


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