
Monday 30 September 2013

AJE Component of the Month Reveal - September

Time for another little tour around the blogs of the AJE team members and guests to see what they've done with this months component - my own bursting seed pods...

Well the first thing you'll notice is that the component I've used isn't one of the colourful ones pictured here. When I made these I had an idea in my head for using two caps to create some sort of collar necklace but, by the time I got around to making it much later things had changed. I'd been busy making new autumn stock for the shop and fallen in love with a chunky pine cone pendant which was demanding to be used.

 Part of the attraction of this piece was the natural kiln produced patina and I decided the pod needed to match and so my design was driven towards a very earthy and muted (even for me) palette. I used the pod to cap a ceramic bead from AJE team mate Diana and attached this to the pine cone to create a focal pendant.

I mixed some more of Diana's beads with some carved ebony beads that I have a passion for and accented them with tiny brass spacers that echo the texture of the pine cone. On one side I added one of my bronze acorn caps and on the other one of LeAnn Weih's gorgeous ceramic birds. The beads are strung on waxed linen attached to a couple of textured bronze ring connectors. and finished with a hand forged bronze wire clasp.

I was thinking of using some sari silk at the back but whilst I was rummaging I came across this lovely printed cotton ribbon from Smitten Beads and it was such a perfect match I decided to go with that instead - I really like the folksy feel it gives. I used a double thickness and a simple capped rivet to join the ends on the underside at the back.

And this is the finished design...

Since the Beatles song 'Norwegian Wood' just happened to come on the radio as I was finishing the piece I took it as a sign and decided to make that the name.

I hope you like my design - looking back on the past few COM's I have noticed a certain similarity in my designs so I'll have to try and shake it up a bit next time...but I'm happy with this one.

To see what everyone else has done with their components just use the links below to visit their blogs:

Guest designers:
Erin Prais-Hintz - Tesori Trovati
Cate - Fulgorine
Claire Lockwood - Something To Do With Your Hands
AJE team
Jennifer Cameron
Jenny Davies-Reazor
Francesca Watson
Melissa Meman
Linda Landig
Susan Kennedy
Rebekah Payne
Caroline Dewison
Lesley Watt                 You are here!

Have fun!



  1. Beautiful necklace. Those ebony beads make me think of ripening nuts.

  2. Stunning! I love every bit of it... but mostly that pine cone... phwoar!

    Thanks for having me in your challenge! x

  3. Just lovely, Lesley! Beautiful elements and a beautiful necklace!

  4. Oh Lesley, you need to be happy with this, it is just the perfect fall necklace! You always introduce me to something new with your pieces. Love those black beads, such a great shape to balance all that wonderful texture from your beads. The ribbon sets the style of the necklace for me...casually elegant. Can't wait to see the other designs!

  5. Hi Lesley,
    Your necklace is gorgeous, I love all of the browns and greens you used they go well with your bronze components.

  6. Beautiful necklace, ma'am! It's the perfect mix of textures and elements and colors - just perfect.

  7. Oh I love the soft natural Woodsy color palette!! That pine cone is gorgeous as well as your amazing bead cap, a beautiful combination.

  8. Lesley my friend this is amazing!!! I am in love with this piece! Your balance your choice of palette and the beads flow in such a way that I am in utter awe! I could stare at this all day and still not get enough of it!

  9. I adore this! In fact, I think it's my favorite out of all the designs. Beautiful and very appropriately named :-)

  10. Lesley - just had to take the time to say your necklace is absolutely beautiful! Lovely work!!

  11. Love, love - Gorgeous design, beautiful colors, awesome beads and the ribbon is just perfect!!

  12. I think that's a really lovely design. I do think your pods look better when they're full and balanced. The color and placement pulls the design together beautifully! Wow! - Julie

  13. Oh wow! I love this! Those colors are terrific, and I am crazy about the little bird!

  14. Oh I love everything about it. The colors, the nut/pod/acorn/cone elements thrill the dryad in me. Wood bead, clay beads, and a bird - so earthy!

  15. Saved the best for last! First, thank you, Miss Lesley, for the honor of using your component! I love the patinas you get from all of your pieces. I had fun participating! While I love the colors you get on your patinas, I do love the richness of the bronze color. This is a necklace that I would wear in a heartbeat! The great ribbon lends a whimsy to the piece and all the coordinating elements really make this fun to look at. One of those reach out and touch sort of pieces! Thanks again, for letting me play with you! Enjoy the day. Erin

  16. Oh, this design is really yummy and absolutely perfect for Fall. You've got to be so pleased with how i came together!!

  17. Swoon… What a stunning necklace, Lesley! All the elements tie together so beautifully—you perfectly captured that deep woodsy feel—I can smell the lovely scent of fallen leaves and pine just looking at your necklace.

    Thank you so much for creating such a gorgeous COM for us all to play with—I thoroughly enjoyed myself!


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