
Friday 31 January 2014

AJE Component of the Month Reveal - January

January brought with it another opportunity to work with a wonderful component designed by one of the AJE team  - this time a beautiful Polymer Clay aspiration focal from the lovely Jenny Davies Reazor. Jenny created the frames for these pieces by making a mould from an old buckle. She then a added dictionary excerpts which she sealed with resin.

The word Jenny chose for me was 'explore' to reflect my current journey in the ceramic clay world - most approriate... and the design I received was the burgundy/blue one at the bottom left of the picture.

I love the ornate style of Jenny's piece but it wasn't a style I was used to working with so I was unsure as to where to start - It had holes at each corner so I was thinking a bracelet was the way to go... To get the ball rolling I pulled out some beads in the same colour palette and left them on my desk while I went off to do something else and ponder.

A couple of days later I was trying to tidy up the studio and while shuffling the beads arrange I had an idea and started playing to see if it would work. An hour later this is what I had...

I was not entirely sure about it as it's not like anything I've designed before but I do find it pleasing so I've stuck with it. The faceted bronze barrels and vintage Czech glass paired with tiny blue/grey frosted rounds.

The down side of just going with an idea in this way was that I hadn't thought through the finishing of the piece and having been through everything in my clasp collection I had nothing that I felt would complete the bracelet satisfactorily. In the end I decided it need a bespoke bronze clasp but as I don't have any other bronze ready to fire I haven't been able to finish it so my design is incomplete. But I can show you how it looks at the moment...

I decided to make a mould from Jenny's focal and replicate the frame as a toggle clasp. Once this is fired I'll try to patinate it to match the focal - maybe in one colour maybe multiples, I'm not sure yet.

Neither am I sure how I'm going to do the bar element yet but I'm thinking maybe wire wrapped with some of the frosted beads...we'll have to see.

Hopefully my ideas will work and I'll post the finished piece once it's done. In the meantimeyou can see what the rest of the AJE team and out guest made using the links below.



  1. I love what you've done with the focal! It's such a unique bracelet and the beads you chose really go with the ornate look. And I love that you made a similar piece as a toggle. Great.

  2. Lesley I absolutely love it!! I think the clasp is going to look fantastic and I can't wait to see the finished bracelet. Please don't forget to post it and make sure you finish it because it is a beauty. ( I'm so bossy today)

  3. This is so freaking AWESOME! I love what you did! I didn't even think of a bracelet. You really both set off and added to the focal. And creating a bronze clasp with a mold made from the focal? Genius. Can't wait to see it all finished!

  4. Oohh! I love where you are headed with this! It's such an interesting design and I think it complements Jenny's lovely focal so well. I look forward to seeing it finished!

  5. Lesley your bracelet is great. The idea of copying the focal for a clasp is genius.

  6. Goodness gracious, that is gorgeous!! I never even considered using my component as a bracelet focal. It works sublimely with your design. It's amazing how some designs fall together like that. I'm looking forward to seeing how it all comes together in the end!

  7. OMG, I love that you went this way! I had 4 holes in mine and thought about bracelet, but couldn't make it work for me!

  8. It's PERFECT!!!! I can hardly wait to see it with the clasp.

  9. Gobsmacked. Love. Amazed.
    I wasn't thinking bracelet at all. The colors are perfect. The faceted barrels feel like an appropriately Victorian style. Making a toggle! Man, we need to talk! Genius. I am so flattered. Thank you!

  10. This is so cool and different for you! I can't wait to see it with the finished clasp!

  11. I'd thought of a bracelet too, but ended up with a necklace. Your idea to create a matching toggle is brilliant! Can't wait to see it!

  12. what a perfect bracelet. I do love your idea of using a mold of the piece to make a toggle.

  13. You're a clever clogs! Love your bracelet design, but that toggle is amazing! Can't wait to see it finished!

  14. I LOVE where you took this. A beautiful and funky bracelet!

  15. Blown away for sure. That bracelet is amazing I can not wait to see you finished clasp.

  16. Oh! how gorgeous Lesley! Jenny's component really is perfect for bracelets isn't it? :-) I love the dark colors and vintage feel you have going. I can't wait see your finished clasp and finished bracelet!


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