
Thursday 24 April 2014

BEADFEST Bound...!

Since I've been part of the online beading community I've become friends with many artists and designers from the USA and every year I suffer from acute attacks of envy when they all start preparing to show at or visit BEADFEST in Philadelphia. By comparison with most UK shows this event is HUGE and unlike most UK shows attracts large numbers of artisan bead makers for the three day expo. Not only that - over five days there are literally dozens upon dozens of workshops covering just about every aspect of jewellery making you might wish to try your hand at.

Well this year there will be no envy and no living vicariously through other people's photos because, thanks to some of my wonderful friends and AJE team mates I will be heading out to the USA on 18th August for a two week trip which will include BEADFEST. I am actually going to be there in person and I cannot begin to tell you how excited this makes me!!!

I can't thank these guys enough for their generosity in hosting me and helping me organise this trip...

AJE Beadfesters Susan Kennedy, Linda Landig, (Genea Crivello-Knable photo-bombing), Karen Totten, Jennifer Stout-Cameron, Jenny Davies-Reazor and Diana Ptaszynski

Here's a sneak peek at just a few of the things I have to look forward to including my hosts doing what they do best...

Diana's Suburban Girl booth from Beadfest 2013

And some of her lovely beads...

Jenny and her booth...

And her fabulous Goddess pendants...I wonder if she has one that gossips...?

Jen at her Glass Addictions booth...

And her amazing "Nightmare Insomnia' beads...

And here's a selection of gorgeous goodies from some more artisan bead makers...clockwise from the left Joan Miller Porcelain, Staci-Louise Smith - SL Artisan Accents, Genea Crivello-Kable - Genea Beads and Karen Totten - Starry Road Studio.

Green Girl Studios are most definitely on my shopping list...but then who isn't!

Mmmmmm - pretty!

I think there may also be one or two more of my beady friends and customers around that I might just be able to catch up with in person - how fantastic is that...?! And of course, I will be taking a 'few' of my own beads with me too - you can't go visiting friends and not take gifts can you!

Many thanks to Diana, Jenny and Jen for the photographs

I'm sure you'll hear more from me about this is the coming weeks as I try not to bore everyone to death in my excitement. Now I need to go and pin a calendar on the wall and start crossing the days off...If you're going to BEADFEST I look forward to seeing you there!



  1. I am SO excited to hear this news! Now nothing will stop ME from getting to Philly in August! ;-)
    Terri Greenawalt

  2. So excited for you! Can't wait to see pics and hear all about it! It sounds like it's going to be the trip of a lifetime!

  3. Your so lucky. ..I'm going to try everything to be there...

  4. Well that then is officially bloody brilliant!! Have a wonderful trip!

  5. That's lovely Lesley I hope you have a brilliant time when your out there it all looks brilliant! x

  6. That sounds amazing. Going to this show is one of the things on my bucket list,.

  7. We are going to have sooooooooooo much fun! I'm just thrilled that you are coming!

  8. So great to hear this! You will have a blast! Looking forward to meeting you!

  9. I know I'm repeating myself but: OMG OMG OMG!!!!!

  10. I'm lucky enough to live nearby, so my advice is: Start saving your money!!!! (And would you consider doing a little of your own vending on the side; I'd love to get my hands on some of your UK goodies without having to pay the postage..... )

    1. I will have a small selection of beads available fro Diana's Suburban Girl stand Gale :0)

  11. It is waaaay too much fun! I cannot wait to go. I just went Beadfest in April, but am much more excited about this one because there are more venders it seems. Never took a class though. I just cannot decide!! They are all so amazing! I am sure you are going to have an amazing time!!

  12. I'm signed up for classes but left time to meet up with friends. It will be so much fun to put faces to names on the internet. I look forward to meeting you!

  13. Yeah!!! Glad to here that you are going. Enjoy your trip. Wish I could be there.

  14. Sigh, you lucky thing! Although I am plotting a family holiday to the US next year, in which I am determined to include Beadfest!

  15. Oh, Lesley, I'm so happy for you--what a great trip this will be! One of these days I will make it to Beadfest too. I hope you have a fantastic time! xo

  16. I have it in the back of my mind to attend this year but may not be able to because of work. It'll be a last minute thing IF I can make it work. I'd sure love to!!!!!

  17. I'm such a fan and I'm really looking forward to meeting you. I don't sell, but I sure do buy! I'll be there with bells on.

  18. Now THAT sounds like a holiday!

  19. OMG I know it, Oh how I envied those that get to go to BEADFEST (when I lived in the UK) it was always my dream but now I'm living NZ and I'd just like a decent bead shop a group, or even a UK show something at least, but the dream is well gone now so I will relish you trip, oh yes I will


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