
Sunday 1 June 2014

And the Giveaway Winners are...

First of all I'd like to say a big thank you to everyone who took part in the giveaway and subscribed to the newsletter mailing list so that now I don't feel like a Billy-no-mates talking to myself! But on to the important thing and that's the Giveaway winners...

The main prize  up for grabs was £30 to spend in either of my shops THEA elements and THEA jewellery and the lucky winner is...

Cory Tompkins

I also promised a couple of extra prizes and one of my 'Stone rose' pendants will shortly be winging it's way to...

Yvette Goodrich

And one of my Tribal Spearhead' pendant sets will be off to...
Deb Floros

Congratulations ladies - I will be contacting you all shortly.

Thanks again to everyone who took part and I look forward to keeping you up to date with more news in the near future.



Don't be shy - join in with the gossip...