
Saturday 1 November 2014

AJE Compononent of the Month - October Reveal

Yes, it's that time of month again and for this months AJE COM challenge the components we got to work with were these gorgeous earthy fossil discs from Karen Totten of Starry Road Studio. These are right up my street and I chose a lovely chocolate/tan one in the middle of this image.

I wanted to give my design an old or tribal feel and knew I wanted to use leather. I had in mind to use a wire cocoon bead I made years ago and recently reclaimed from an old necklace but in the event it wasn't substantial enough to balance Karen's focal. So I started from scratch and made a new one in bronze wire and incorporated a wire bail to attach it.

I wanted to get a layered talisman effect so I added one of my bronze clam shell shards with some tiny seed bead dangles at the bottom.

I was originally going to keep it very simple and use a very thick piece of leather to suspend the focal from but I couldn't make up my mind on colour so I started playing around with mixing thinner pieces. I used some chunky rustic Czech glass beads to create this woven pattern and made wire wrapped cord ends and a clasp to finish it off.

And this is my finished piece - quite a design departure for me as I don't usually make short necklaces but it was necessary for this bold focal and I quite like the effect so I think there may be more to come...

Thank you for visiting today and I hope you'll join me and visit our guest bloggers and the restof the AJE team to see what they have designed with Karen's beads.

Guest Designers

AJE Blog Team


  1. Great design! I love the component too.

  2. This looks like a fun piece! I love how you used the large seed beads in the strap, and I love making little seed bead dangles too - sometimes they add just the right touch :)

  3. I love how you made the necklace with the three strands of leather, and your cocoon bead is awesome! Perfect for Karen's pendant! And the little seed bead dangles with your clam shard ( and how awesome is THAT!) are the right touch!

  4. That's beautiful! I love the cocoon bead and how it brings out the colours in the disc.

  5. I love how rustic that is. I especially love the way it ends, with that clam shell piece.

  6. Stunning Lesley! I adore the different colors of leather. It gives the piece a bit more added texture along with the beads. The cocoon bead is a great way to hang the pendant.

  7. Another beautiful piece, all so different it's really amazing! Everybody is also rocking the dangles this time. I love the rough wire work and the multiple strings with beads randomly place. Really great as always Lesley!

  8. A fantastic piece! There is so much great texture from the top to the bottom. I love the earthy feel of the piece.

  9. You really have amazing talent, Lesley. You can make so many different styles look good. I really do love what you did with this one with the texture of the wire above and the dangles below to add a bit of movement. Really pretty.

  10. This is so beautiful! I love all the textures, the leather cording and wrap, the rustic primitive feel of this. A real knock-out.

  11. Fab piece Lesley, lots of interest, lovely colours, perfectly balanced, and of course, very pretty.

  12. What a beautiful necklace! It just perfect for this season.

  13. I need to say 'oh wow!' AGAIN as I look at everyone's pieces for this Challenge! This is such a great piece with so many unexpected treasures! I'm not typically drawn to a tribal look..but you may have just changed my mind about that!...Lesley, this is beautiful!

  14. I love everything about this piece. That cocoon element is the perfect accompaniment to Karen's focal. Wonderful!

  15. Yeah - this one has to be worn shorter. I really like the rhythm you have set up between the linear qualities of the cocoon "bar" and the seashell dangle - then the contrast of the round piece from Karen.


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