
Saturday 23 May 2015

Belle Armoire Jewellery Debut...

I'm not usually one for getting my work published in magazines - mainly because I'm too disorganised to get myself together for the submission deadlines but,when you get an invite from the beautifully put together Belle Armoire Jewelry, well you have to give it some careful consideration.

So that's what I was doing around Christmas and today it's safe to say that I'm just a little bit excited as I make my debut in Belle Armoire with seven pieces featured in a technique based article and a piece in the boutique section. You should have seen me run when the mail dropped this morning!

Metal clay and mixed media necklaces

Bronze clay and art bead earrings and bracelet

Wire macrame and bronze clay earrings

Wire macrame bangle

Fortunately I just about remembered to take some photo's of the jewellery (apart form one pair of earrings) before I sent it off for consideration...

For this necklace I adapted a wonderful mixed media technique I was taught by by my good friend and AJE colleague Jenny Davies-Reazor at Bead Fest last year...

Mixed media necklace adapted for a technique by Jenny Davies- Reazor

These next pieces show case bronze clay and art beads..

Bronze clay, turquoise and Ebony necklace with ceramic focal by Karen Totten

Bronze clay necklace

Bronze clay bracelet

Bronze clay wire macrame earrings with lampwork beads by Puffafish lampwork

Bronze clay earrings with ceramic flowers by Karen Totten

And finally a spiral wire macrame bangle - unfortunately I've had the lovely lampwork beads so long I don't remember who the maker is...

Lampwork and wire macrame bracelet

I hope you like the pieces...I guess now I might have to get myself a little more organised to make a few more this space!

Have a great weekend all.



  1. Gorgeous work and what is really impressive is the fact that you made your ceramics for these beautiful pieces!

    1. Actually Kathy the ceramic pieces in these are by Karen Totten but all the bronze clay elements are my own :o)

  2. Congratulations Lesley. A very well deserved honor!

  3. So well deserved Lesley! Beautiful pieces as always!!

  4. BRAVO! Your pieces are wonderful and they look exceptional in the magazine!!! I hope you do get the desire to submit more pieces, as it's just the kind of beautiful and interesting work I'd love to see more of :-)

  5. Wow! Congratulations! Your pieces are always so fascinating.

  6. Congrats, my friend! I can wait to read it in person. I am thrilled the MM stuff from my class last year clicked with you - and thanks for the shout out!

  7. All of your pieces are gorgeous. I got my magazine yesterday - wonderful spread! Congratulations.

  8. Really stunning collection! Your style is so damn appealing and always inspiring!

  9. Congratulations Lesley. Your pieces are lovely and I am glad to see you get the recognition that you deserve. Your wire macrame is way cool.

  10. Congratulations Lesley! The pieces look beautiful and they have made the whole spread look gorgeous!

  11. Congratulations! Well-deserved spotlight on your wonderful work!

  12. How exciting...and your pieces are just beautiful!

  13. Congratulations on being published! I love your macrame bangle bracelet. I would have never thought to do that! The effect is beautiful and does create a sense of perpetual movement. I've been experimenting with wire crochet, but the wire has to be very, very thin in order for me to manipulate it with my crochet hook, so this is a great alternative and can be done with different gauges of wire. The effect is also a lot cleaner looking than my wire crochet. The lampwork beads are also stunning. If any of you would like to get the issue that Lesley Watt is published in, visit


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