Thursday 29 September 2011

It could be you....

First of all a big thank you to all you lovely people who commented, tweeted, blogged and Face booked...(my English teacher would not be happy with some of those verbs) about my latest addiction, and for all the lovely things you said. I'm always a bit reticent when I show people new things I've done and it's a real confidence boost to get so much positive feedback.

Now then...onto the 2 lucky winners of my Blog giveaway - drum roll please...

Congratulations to..... Courtney Breul and Therese Frank who both win a pair of custom made enameled earrings.

Ladies, if you could let me know which design you would like (you can get a clearer idea of the designs from the listings in my Etsy shop) and I'll get cracking as soon as possible.

Thanks again everyone and have a great day.



  1. Oh Wow! This has made my morning Lesley! Thank you so much for your generosity. I will email you with the details.

  2. Congratulations to the winners! Awesome prizes!!!!

  3. Congratulations ladies!! Great gift!


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