
Saturday 8 September 2012

Beads of Clay Challenge - with a twist!

Next Saturday (15th Spetember) sees the reveal of the second 'Beads of Clay Design Challenge' when a group of designers including myself, will be unveiling the creations we've made with this glorious bead and fibre wire concoction from the BOC Professional Artists Team.

Our instructions are to make two items one of which must be a pair of earrings. Now this is no mean feat as there are a lot of beads here and I've already made my earrings so there are a few missing! The fibre wire is also an unknown entity to me so that will be interesting to work with. I have a week left to come up with a design and I may well need it but you know how I love a challenge!

And this time there is an added twist to the challenge... all the finished items will be put up for auction with the proceeds going to a charity of each designers choice. Now I have a few favourite charities but because this is all about beads, because the beading community is largely female and because October is awareness month; I will be kicking things off a little early by holding my auction for Breast Cancer Awareness.

I'll publish further details nearer the time and I do hope you'll come back next weekend to see how I've done with my design and maybe think about bidding for a one of a kind creation for a very worthwhile cause.

See you then.



  1. What a great mix of beads. I love the colors. Can't wait to see what you do with do with the fiber wire. That looks awesome.

  2. That is a pile of goodness! I'll be back to see your creative talent at work. :)

  3. I can't wait to see what you do with this gorgeous mix. Great cause to pick for your donation! You go girl!

  4. What a pretty color palette of beads to work with. I love your thinking when it comes to deciding on a charity to donate proceeds to.

  5. Looking forward to seeing those gorgeous beads given the Lesley touch

  6. Those are gorgeous --I can't wait to see the reveal!

  7. Looking forward to your designs!! I picked Cancer as my charity too. Lets all work together to find a cure!

  8. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

  9. these beads are just gorgeous! Waiting to see your designs!

  10. Wow!! What an absolutely amazing selection of beads. I love the colours! Beautiful, beautiful....can't wait to see what you come up with.


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