
Sunday 2 September 2012

Pay It Forward - Handmade

There's a new game in blog land and I wanna play!

I spotted this on the blogs of my good friends Therese at Therese's Treasures and Cilla at Tell Your Girlfriends and it's a very simple concept:

Here's how it goes...

I’ll send a surprise gift to the first three people who comment on this blog post and then pay it forward. The gift will be handmade by me and will be sent to you some time in the next 365 days (yep, mystery gift at a mystery time).

All you need to do is leave me a comment and make sure you include your email address (if your profile doesn’t include it). I’ll then contact you for your snail mail address and ask a few questions (likes/dislikes, favourite colours, sizes general stuff like that).

To complete signing up you MUST play along too. To do this you must blog a similar post and pledge to make a surprise gift for the first three people who comment on your post.

So, do you want to play? Then comment below and let's get the ball rolling...

And if you're not one of the first three you can still copy this post to spread the word and really get the game going!



  1. This sounds like fun! I would love to join in!!

  2. Lesley, Ohh I would love to play along. This sounds like great fun.

  3. Sound like a great plan.

  4. I love this game, and I'd be thrilled with anything you make landing in my hands!

  5. This is a really cool idea! I might just have to do this on my blog :-)

  6. Oh! I want to play, this sounds like fun.

  7. OK so Shyme, Linda and Sandi are my first three...keep an eye out for there blog posts for another chance t take part. Thanks for commenting everyone!

  8. This sounds like lots of fun but i don't have a blog.

  9. Oh damn missed it, no blog for me neither, but I guess we can play using our facebook page.......

  10. I finally got this to copy and paste i couldn't get it to go either it was my computer because i have been having trouble i even tryed to copy it out of the mail i finally got it yea.


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