
Saturday 23 February 2013

Birthday Giveaway Winners...


Firstly many thanks to everyone who commented and for all the lovely messages of support - almost 400 comments and that's a record! I'm looking forward to getting to know more of you over the coming year and hopefully there will be another little celebration this time next year. 

For now though the celebrations are for the three lucky winners and without further ado they are...

Creations by Kari          £30 Gift certificate to spend in THEA too
Cooky Schock                25% discount on 1 Purchase in THEA too
Leah Curtis                    15% discount on 1 Purchase in THEA too

Congratulations ladies! As it's 1.30am here at the moment I'm off to my bed but I will be in touch with you all later today to let you know how to claim your prizes.

Have a great weekend everyone.



  1. Woo Hoo Congrats to the winners.

  2. Congrats to an awesome response to your blog post! This is a true testiment of your work! Your designs are beautiful!

  3. Happy Birthday to Theatoo and Happy Birthday to me! My birthday was on the 11th and this is by far the best gift I could have received! Thank you Lesley!!! I love, love, love your beautiful components and am so excited to pick out some new treasures ;)

  4. Lucky Duckies!! Congratulations!!

  5. Oh Lesley- I'm so excited!!! I saw you posted the winners but I wouldn't look till after dinner. Then, not till after getting ready for bed. Then, not till after reading one more chapter. OK- now. YEAH! There's my name. Thank you so much!

  6. congratulations to the winners! you lucky girls!

  7. Lucky, lucky winners, congratulations!

  8. Congratz to the lucky winners.


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