
Wednesday 27 February 2013

Bead Soup Second Helping...

The Bead Soup mix that I sent to my Partner Silke has now arrived and she says she loves it, even though the colour palette is outside her usual comfort zone. My soup has a definite ocean/beach feel to it and here's what I sent her...

I sent my own bronze focals and clasps as well as a couple of charms. I played with some enameling on one of the focals which I'm quite pleased with and yes, I did send bars with the clasps, I just forgot to photograph them!

As Silke is a lampworker I didn't want to send "coals to Newcastle" so instead I sent her some of Carloine Dewison's lovely ceramic urchins and some polymer clay rondelles by 'Tropical Blonde'.

To complement these I sent some gorgeous rustic pearls from Smitten Beads along with some Aquamarine, Sea Coral and dyed Agate.

And for accent and contrast - Tiger Ebony rondelles, some metallic Czech glass and some gorgeous silk raggy ribbon from SowZerE Designs.

I would have great fun with this mix so I really hope Silke does too...I can't wait to see what she does with it but that will have to wait until April far away.



  1. What a lovely collection - I'm sure she'll create something delicious x

  2. I'm really excited to see what Silke creates with your gorgeous collection! Really chuffed to have some of my beads in with them... Thanks Lesley!
    I can't wait to see what you make either... I have the same date, it seems like an eternity away!

    1. Well I thought I'd share your lovely beads Caroline knowing I can always get more... :0)

  3. OK, that soup is O.M.G. beautiful. She's a lucky lady!


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