
Monday 25 March 2013


Gulp! I blinked and suddenly it's two weeks since my last post, spring has officially arrived (wearing a fur coat to ward of the cold) and Easter is nearly upon us...wasn't it just Christmas...? Anyway, the upside of living life in time lapse is that things have started to happen and projects are showing signs of coming to fruition on time and as planned.

First, and most exciting is the new studio/kitchen refit which is now moving ahead very nicely and the builder is contracted to start work on April 15th. Last week the surveyor came out to draw up plans for all the necessary planning notifications and 'Lawful Development' certification. The latter is not a legal requirement but can be very useful when it comes to selling. So here's what it's going to look like...

 The kitchen design consultant came to measure up this morning and has gone away to draw up 3D plans for fitting both rooms with units from the range below. Sadly my kitchen is too small to get the lovely curvy cupboards and worktops in but I have managed to get them into the studio...

The plans will be ready on Wednesday and I've no doubt i will be tweaking my choices before I finally settle and I still have to decide on tiles and flooring but, it all seems to be going remarkably well.

The other project that has been draining resources of late is of course "The Big Bead Show" on April 6th and I am happy to report that light has been seen at the end of this tunnel too. Yesterday I finished up all the clay work for my inventory and although this still leaves me plenty of finishing to do, it does mean that the first step of the production process is complete and the work waiting in each subsequent step can now only go down.

I still don't know if I have enough or indeed the right inventory but I've done all I can and if it doesn't sell, well I'll have a lot of Etsy listings to do when I get back! I did have a kind of plan as to what I was going to make but I get bored quite easily doing repetitive work so I did go of at a few tangents and created new things. I'm quite pleased with them so let's just hope the show visitors are too...

I would love to be able to take a bit of a break but I only have one week between the show and the builders moving in so I guess I'm going to be pretty busy clearing the decks and sorting out all the logistics of having a major upheaval in the house. It will be worth it though and I am so looking forward to seeing it completed by the end of April. 

As I'm going to be limited as to what production I can do during the build, I'm also looking forward to being able to dedicate some time to making jewellery (including my Bead Soup entry - eek!) which I don't seem to have done for ages. I'll also be getting back on track with my blogging too, starting with regular posts on 'project studio'...that should be fun!

I hope you're all progressing well with your 2013 plans and not suffering too much from the prolonged wintry weather - surely there must be some sun on the way soon...?



  1. I love those curvy cupboards, we are in the middle of getting planning permission for our extension which will include a spare/office/bead room for me whoopee. You will sell loads at the bead show, wish I could come see all your goodies!

  2. It is all coming together quite spectacularly isn't it? I love your new flowers and think they will be a big hit. Thinking warm thoughts over here as well! Enjoy the day. Erin

  3. Love the look! I'm sure you can't wait to see it all finished and hope you will share a pic or 2...

  4. Your sea flowers are wild and wonderful. So exciting that your renovations and expansion will be done by May. Not a bad turn around I think. I am sure you will love it and we will love seeing it progress.

  5. Great round cabinets!

    I’m part of the bead soup party. Looking forward to the reveals. I'm now following you. I have a new blog. Please consider following my jewelry blog. Thanks.

  6. Hi Lesley,
    Love the plans and look forward to seeing the progress of the new house lift. Best wishes on the show and those new creations are beautiful.

  7. Hi Lesley,
    Oh that kitchen looks nice. Love the round cabinets.
    And happy to hear that you found the light at the end of the tunnel. The show will go wonderful!! I bet you sell loads if not all!
    Love your new creations.

  8. So envious of your studio plans! it looks fabulous, and I can't wait to see how it all comes together. Seems like the building will happen fairly quickly, which is great! I think that is the worse part for me is thinking about living in the chaos of the builders for weeks on end. Good luck with the show! you've got some great pieces


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