
Tuesday 12 March 2013

Show Progress...

Oh dear - I really am being rather rubbish at blogging at the moment and of course it's all down to to my complete an utter dedication to all things 'Bead Show'. But today I have a lull between process stages so I just thought I give you a quick update.

Things are actually going quite nicely and I'm feeling pretty positive. The housework has of course gone to pot as various bits paraphernalia encroach further and further into the living areas. This is my dining room - central administration and patination station...

Meals on trays only between now and April 6th!

I still need to make more inventory but a lot of it is done now so adding patina is the main process scheduled this week. I have to say I really enjoy this part as I love playing with colour and I've come up with some new colour palettes to debut at the show...

I've even managed to sort out most of my pre-show admin and have ordered new business cards and a banner for the stand - I'm hoping a couple of my owls looming large will attract some attention and draw people in...

If things keep going as they are I think I may even be ready with time to spare which would be great since I also need prepare things for the development of the new studio...yes, the contractors are booked and work will start on April 15th - can't wait!

In the meantime plenty to do so best get on with it!



  1. So exciting!!! I am still hoping to win the Lotto so I can come!

  2. gorgeous shapes and colours and I love the banner pic good luck with the show,I'd love to be there but live in Australia

  3. There is something magical about total focus on one aspect at a time; love love love the new patinae! combinations of color are exquisite, Lesley!

  4. Really beautiful colors Lesley! I'm not going to be at the show but I'm sending a friend!

  5. You are enticing me, I so want to come; you look very well prepared!! I think I couldn't bear to see all your goodies I would want most of them lol. Everything looks amazing I am sure you will have an amazing time and lots of people will be coming to your stand. Exciting too about your builder starting too, funny the date is same day as my b'day we can celebrate together lol x

  6. Omg I'm loving those two tone colors...especially the ones upper left....lookin good though season if fast approaching as well...and ah housework can wait....dust bunnies love to hang around and visit for a bit...xox

  7. Oooooooo, love those new colors! Wish I could come to the show, but since I live way across the water, I don't think I'd make it in time even if I left now :) Will the leftovers (if you have any) be listed in your Etsy shop? Although I think you're going to have some serious sucess! Good Luck!

    1. Thanks Carlene - I will indeed be listing unsold stock in the shop and will also be making more in the new palettes after the show.

  8. Your pieces and colors are great! Is this a patina or fired on?

  9. Ohhh how I love the new colour patern!! Very very pretty. And I love the banner picture! You will do great on the show, no doubt about that. I wish I could come to the show, but sadly there is no change. So I will wait patiently till the new goodies will show up in your etsy shop.

  10. These are awesome I love the colors and the unique parts of detailing on these.


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