Sunday, 11 March 2012

What happened to the weekend...

Where did it minute it was Friday afternoon next it's Sunday bedtime!

Most of today has been caught up with listing lots of new components in my THEA too shop and it's really quite tiring. I just have some new headpins to list tomorrow and that will be it for a little while. I'm looking forward to a couple of lazy days and then getting down to some jewellery making - now that I've got my head around the components shop I'm hoping I can start to balance the two better and have plenty of time for both.

And besides... I've got to make something for THEA's birthday giveaway haven't I?

Hope you all had a great weekend.



  1. Lesley,
    You are amazing and I love your components. I want to go shopping, but I'm low on funds at the moment. I also need to make somethings with your components that I already own LOL!

  2. Ohhh, lovely stuff there! I love that leaf pendant at the bottom right.


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