
Wednesday 6 March 2013

Show Blues...

Well my first (and possibly last) bead show is little more than 4 weeks away now and am I where I should be? - absolutely not! Having always been a seat of the pants kind of person I haven't started panicking yet even these cuffs are the only pieces I have fully finished...

And I have far more trays like this one waiting to be patinated...

And even more like this one queuing up waiting to be fired...

There's no reason to worried yet though - 4 weeks is plenty of time isn't it...? It won't take long to organise all the other things a show involves will it? And of course nothing will go wrong in the meantime...not after I've replaced the firing pan that disintegrated on me yesterday anyway!

Ok - well I may panicking just a little so I'd better go off an do something with those piles that are desperate for my attention. If I don't become a complete gibbering wreck I will will keep you posted on further progress.

And if you're in the UK and are planning to go to the Big Bead Show do come and say hello...I'll post our stand number as soon as it's available.

Wish me luck!



  1. It will all come together soon, preparation always takes forever and it's all looking fantastic so far!!! Good luck with the show x

  2. Good luck, it will all come together in time, just breath!!!

  3. I've got a little more time than you before my first big show, I already have nerves wiggling around the back of my brain. Good luck my friend, your components are so wonderful I can't imagine you need luck!!

  4. These are gorgeous. I know how you feel. We are signed up for a number of art shows, finished jewelry this year. Good luck.

  5. Those hearts are gorgeous!!!! I have no doubt you will pull it off and get it done, even if it's by pulling all-nighters or bagging/tagging early the morning of the show. Id you're like me, the best work gets done in the last minutes.

    Good luck at the show!!

  6. IT will all work out! I think if you don't paint them all you will do just as well. Sometimes natural is great.

    1. I agree Cilla - I won't be patinating everything so ther is plenty of choice.

  7. You are going to have a fantastic show - I just know!

  8. You are doing great! Look at the finished pieces, they look lovely.
    And I agree with Cilla, a lot of people would like them with no patina, saves you a lot of time. Perhaps sell bottles of patina as well?
    No need to panic!!
    I only wish I could come and have a look.

  9. Your components are amazing! I wish I could come to your show. I love seeing the pieces in various stages of completion.


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