Thursday 25 August 2011

The puzzle is solved.....

Now that the puzzle of the parcel tracking is over and Julie has received her beads soup ingredients, I can how you how the picture puzzle was solved...

This is the soup mix I sent built around some Bronzclay pieces that I made specifically for this event. I think it's a fun collection and Julie says she loves it all so I hope she has loads of fun turning it into something spectacular. Julie has taken some pictures that show the items much more clearly too so check out what she had to say on her Blog.

Hopefully everyone now has or is close to getting their parcels so , let creativity commence!



  1. Mmm yummy Lesley, I love what you sent Julie. She is going to have fun creating with this mix, just as you will with the mix she sent to you. I'm so looking forward to 9/17/11. You did a fantastic job on the bronze clay pendant and clasp.

  2. Your bronze pieces are spectacular!!! I am trying so hard to resist getting into the whole PMC thing- MUSt not!!!

    Your soup is lovely!!!

  3. I saw you bronze pieces on Julie's blog and I need to tell you 'personally' that they are wonderful!


  4. Thank you all for your kind comments - I'm still relatively new to Bronze Clay so always glad of feedback. :0)


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