Sunday 5 February 2012

Make it Meaningful...

With age comes wisdom
So...February already...I can see 2012 is not going to sit on it's laurels any more than 2011 did. This past week has been a bit of a strange one and has put me in something of a reflective mood. February 1st was the 10th anniversary of my mum's passing and I spent the day negotiating a 200 mile round trip and the funeral of an old family friend that I've known for 40 years, the last of a generation.

Since then I've spent a good few hours thinking about those 10 years and considering my own mortality. At times it seems like it's just flown by and I struggle to recall anything of note that I've done. I've never really thought about the inevitability of life but finding yourself elevated to the senior generation amongst family and friends suddenly makes it all the more real.

Forget Me Not
But then when I stopped to consider more carefully what those 10 years have involved I realised maybe I've experienced and achieved more than I thought. I've lost both my parents, relocated to another part of the country alone, moved home twice and changed jobs 3 times, each with increased responsibility and stress. I've taken time out to travel to the other side of the world, studied Humanities with the Open University and, through my jewellery making found a creative outlet that has completely changed my outlook and given me the impetus to give up the well paid but stressful job for a more fulfilling lifestyle; leaving me financially poorer but emotionally richer. And all that while negotiating the pitfalls of everyday life.

I'm not religious or particularly spiritual (in the traditional sense of the word) but I think perhaps there is a purpose to these hiatus in our lives. They create a need and a natural point to stop and consider the path we're on and make any adjustments. I can see now that I've been changing things little by little over these 10 years but right now I'm happy with where I've got and where I seem to be going. Circumstances will no doubt conspire to change things somewhere along the way but hopefully I will be able to deal with that and keep moving forward, with maybe a diversion to left or right if needs be. And as for the seniority thing...well I think I'll just look upon that as membership of an exclusive club for those with accumulated wisdom and abundant experience!

A new day arrives over Durdle Door, Dorset, UK
Old friends pass away, new friends appear. It is just like the days. An old day passes, a new day arrives.The important thing is to make it meaningful: a meaningful friend or a meaningful day. 
Dalai Lama



  1. What beautiful photography, and what a place to be! Lovely post. I lost my mom a year ago March, so will be 1 year here shortly for me.

  2. The photos are lovely.I think hope is the key. Hope for something and each day is welcomed.

  3. Lesley, This is a wonderful post on your life's reflection. I lost my Dad in Nov. 06 and I live with my Mom she is still going strong. I'm glad that we have met be it through the blogs, but I am glad to call you a friend. I would love to be able to watch the sunrise from that hillside in the photo above one day, that would be so grand!

  4. Lesley, a beautiful and thoughtful post. You have indeed achieved a lot in the last 10 years...and I am gladdened to hear it has made your life happier. I have had thoughts of a similar nature as I watch my father struggle these last weeks to hold on to life....I suspect it is a natural process to be a little introspective when the dawning of our own mortality hits us!! However, saying that I hope to live for many years and to live and achieve well...things I want to you have so successfully done. And seniors are indeed a good club!!! Seniors! What!! Did I say that!
    LOL...have a lovely day,

  5. It seems you've accomplished a lot in the last 10 years--and most of it alone. Be proud of that!

    My mom passed away in June leaving her older sister (my aunt) the only sibling left in the family. My aunt feels terribly guilty to be alive, and also very lonely. Now I watch my uncle wither away in a nursing home and his brother (my father) worrying about his own mortality and ultimately being the only sibling left from his own family. And I find myself wondering about my own mortality as I near the ripe old age of 50. I have to say I've done a lot of things in my life, but none of them really stand out as spectacular. Having birthdays and experiencing deaths in the family can surely lead to much contemplation reflection at this age.

  6. Lesley, what a poignant post - certainly so much to reflect on. It sounds like your life has taken you through so many travels, ups and downs in the past years. I get in these reflective moods as well & thank you for opening up and sharing your thoughts.

  7. Your post inspired me! I hope you don't mind that I linked it to my most recent post! Thank you for such a beautiful post

    1. I don't mind at all - it's a great post and a great idea for fundraising. Well done.


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